La Girl

me = girl. me = fogetful. me = need a random ass blog to make sure i remember my own name. you = reading a crazy little blog thinking to yourself, wtf?

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Sunny Days

June 27th.-> A big HAPPY B-DAY to Al.
Recount of the 27th:
After sleeping in, (sorrie God) I watched TV for a bit. I waited for everyone to come home and just sort of lounged around. After seeing Albert in the kitchen, I remeber it was his b-day and congratulated him. We (family+ah por+Ivan) went to the place and Birchmont and Finch for dinner. The food was very good, I know that because we finished off everything. O yea, in the restaurant we ran into Pastor Ray and his family. Then we had cake. At restaurant they cut the cakes in a really funny way, they would cut the sides first and around, yet they don't cut the cake into wedges. Very weird.

June 28th:
Today was movie day. I went over to Lee to watch movies and cuddled. Oy, we watched like 13 going on 30 and Mean Girls. LoL I am turning Lee into a girl with all these chick flicks. Either or, the movies were very cute.

June 29th:
I am so HAPPY. Why? Well I got to spend the whole day with Vanessa. Hehe. We had lunch then we went shopping. It was so fun. I hope I had been able to cheer Vanessa up, because lately she haven't been so happy. She bought a short and I bought a skirt both very cute. We looked at everything at Woodside. Haha. One day trip to Woodside. After that, Vanessa help me pick out clothes for thingy, I like Vanessa's style it is a bit different from mine, but it is a good change from time to time. Thx Vanessa. Seeing that it was a very good day, we sat at the park like good ol'times and just chat it was amazing, swing was a bit dangerous though, I think we are getting too big, then again we could just complain and have the swings resize. =p LoL. I love spend time with Vanessa it is always fun and we never really run out of things to talk about.

Lee: The fight was horrible. I guess the foundation of our relationship wasn't that strong when tested by everyone. Hope this will make our relationship stronger.

Song reflection:
Come Clean
Let's go back
Back to the beginning
Back to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned

'Cause perfect didn't feel so perfect
Trying to fit a square into a circle
Was no lie
I defy

Let the rain fall down
And wake my dreams
Let it wash away
My sanity
'Cause I wanna feel the thunder
I wanna scream
Let the rain fall down
I'm comimg clean, I'm coming clean

I'm shedding
Shedding every color
Trying to find a pigment of truth
Beneath my skin

'Cause different
Doesn't feel so different
And going out is better
Then always staying in
Feel the wind

I'm coming clean
Let the rain fall
Let the rain fall
I'm coming clean

Let's go back
Back to the beginning

June 30th:
A new sunny day. I believe everything will be fine in the end.


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