Shrek marathon
Mankind's appetite for knowledge knows no limits. Unfortunately, neither does its appetite for conquering.
The quest for knowledge brought medicines.
The quest for conquering brought deceases.
The quest for knowledge gave men the ability to fly.
The quest for conquering took away men's right to live.
The quest for knowledge sent men to the moon and back.
The quest for conquering sent men to kill others.
May the quest for knowledge reach the point where it says that men conquering men is an aberration.
Yesterday, as last week I volunteered at STC doing gift wrapping. I finally met Cindy's sister Tracy. Yup, I am getting way friendly with my supervisor. LoL Anyways, we like talked for an hour cus-sing off morons that work at Timmy's, McD's, and Wendy's. LoL It was too funny. Then all of a sudden I get the worst tummyache in the world, I still have no idea what caused the crazy tummyache. So I quickly called my dad to come and pick me up because it was hurting so much that I can bearly walk. I ended up being at STC for only an hour and a half. So I went home and called Lee telling him that I am at home instead of at STC, so he doesn't like rushes to STC to pick me up and find me not there. So later on, Lee came to pick me up to grab lunch, my tummy was feeling a tiny bit better because I took some Advils, we had Viet as usual then we headed back to his house to hang for the day. After listening to me bitch and complain for like half an hour in the car, we finally gets to his house, with me needing to go pee really really badly. We finally got settled in his bed, we watch the new South Park episode, Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset. LoL It was so funny, it make fun of Paris Hilton so badly. All the fourth grade girls idolize a rich, famous and spoiled socialite. They even have her brand new toy set that comes complete with video camera, night vision filter, play money and losable cell phone. In an effort to impress their idol, the girls pursue the boys to make their own videos.

After laughing our ass off, from seeing fourth grade girls trying to be whores, we began our Shrek marathon. I swear laughter really does have crazy healing power. LoL Yup, we spend the next three hours watching Shrek and Shrek 2, and we went through all the special features too. It was so fun. I am starting to pick up more and more of the perverted jokes. I swear in Shrek there are so many penis related jokes. Oy... Anyways, we ordered Subs for dinner, and stupid Mr. Sub people keep screwing up my order like 3 times. Its like karma or something, because I cus them off in the morning and then they screw up my order at night, meh that just means I am not eating subs for a while, their lost. Upon finishing the food, we just cuddled on the bed because we were stuffed, like big fat turkeys. It was good cuddling time though because we talked through stuff that we kind of taboo-ed, after all that has happened. I am still trying get over some stuff, it still hurts a lot to think about it, and I still feel really bad about what has happened but I guess life still moves on, I can only look at tomorrow and hope for the best.
Upcoming Events:
Monday 6th - Ty Christmas Concert + Gift Wrapping with Vanessa @ STC
Tuesday 7th - SAC Meeting(a.m.) + Band @ Night
Wednesday 8th - MCF - Bible Study + Hannukah Dinner w. the Tarnow's
Thursday 9th - Grade 8 Parents' Info Night + Calc. Test??
Friday 10th - Special Breakfast w. Ms. Whipp(a.m.)
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