La Girl

me = girl. me = fogetful. me = need a random ass blog to make sure i remember my own name. you = reading a crazy little blog thinking to yourself, wtf?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

sitting pattern

something that i notice on the RT today while going to school.
if there is a seat between 2 males, a male that came along would rather stand than to take the middle seat. whereas if it was a female that came along, she would put her ass so fast on that seat, quicker than you can say liposuction. (i think, guys are just naturally homophobic or something)

okie so, if there was a seat between 2 females, and a male came along, he would hesitate for a bit, before deciding whether to sit down or not, most likely he would sit down after like a couple seconds of consideration, but there are some cases where the male would choose to stand. obviously, refering to scenario 1, the female once she spotted the seat, its like a bee to honey, boom there goes her ass to the seat.

my conclusion, is that females' centre of gravity is too low for some females to be standing around too long, its unhealthy(or so they thought). therefore if you see a female around standing in a bus or RT or subway or just whatever, please give up your seat not only to the elderly and disable, but also to the biologically impaired females who can't stand to save their lives for a couple of stops.

later days.


At 5:32 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

An interesting observation, and a nicely done conjecture with relations to the Center of Mass. Although I highly doubt that's the case.

With the two man scenario, we man are hesitant because there's obviously a little too many male sitting adjacent to each other.

With the two women scenario, we man are hesitant simply because we don't want to be observed and labled as a pervert by sitting in between two women.

Where as for Woman in general, who gives a damn? Society wouldn't usually lable a girl a pervert, nor would society usually label a random girl a homosexual just because she went for the estrogen surrounded spot.

Food for thoughts indeed!

At 12:56 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi munchkin,

Just Lee writing. You told me to go comment, so I'm commenting. Yes, guys are homophobic, but you already knew that. I wish you were here in my arms right now. I love snuggling you, and keeping you warm, and making you feel loved. Anyways, talk to you tomorrow little one, I love you so much!



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