twilight & dim sum
last friday the phenomenon that is twilight finally reached its logical conclusion. kelly and i thinking that we were so super intelligent went to go see the first show of the day thinking of no high school kids would skip school for a freaking movie. o how wrong we were. by the time we set foot inside stc, we could already see a huge line-up outside the theatre for twilight. i laughed so hard at them, it was just utterly ridiculous. we arrived at stc at around 11 and the movie started at 11.50, because of my absolute refusal to stand in line with a whole bunch of fanatic high school children, i went to timmy's to get some coffee. getting coffee before noon was the quintessential thing to do in the life of a college student, and obviously i needed some caffeine to keep me awake and functioning through the movie.
as we got our seats inside the theatre, we discovered that in front of us diagonally to the right was like this teacher and her class. we had a serious wtf moment. like how did that teacher manager to convince the school principle to let her take a class to go see twilight first thing in the morning? its not like the book is a classic, its not even a book that is that well written, like wtf. nonetheless, they were there. eventually, the theatre filled up your typical gushing high school girls for their daily dose of robert pattinson, and a sprinkling of guys who either were there for their girlfriends or on a dare or they really “like” twilight. there seemed to me to be a lot more movie trailers shown before twilight, or maybe it was just me. but the trailer for the next harry potter movie looked really good, hopefully that would be a good indicator of the quality of the actual movie. without any expectation for twilight, quite frankly it wasn’t surprising to me that the movie kinda sucked. kelly and i just laughed our heads off throughout the entire movie. we even laughed really hard in the supposedly romantic parts too. i don’t remember that hard in a movie in a long time. although, its not an amazing movie, if you read the book or just curious, i would still suggest you go see it just to be in touch with this new cultural reference.
after twilight, the weekend was spent being supremely unproductive. even though i had like 2 huge essays due, i only got one of them done, which inevitably led to a mad dash to the finish as usual for both essays. but i am proud to say i finished both essays and handed them in on time this week.
wednesday, i woke up early to do my crim essay. thinking i was so studious i set off to work. after an hour of somewhat studious work, i got a call from calvin. i was so confused considering this was way early in the morning, it turned out that calvin like got grace and tommy to have lunch with us. this was just an idea that both calvin and i had from tuesday night after work. because we both have Wednesdays off we were just thinking about what to do for lunch, and how funny it would be if we could get grace and tommy to eat with us. and it actually happened! so the studious facade came off, and i quickly went to get ready to go for dim sum. calvin came to pick me up, then we drove to grace’s house to follow her to tommy’s.
omg. grace was driving like a madwoman the whole way to tommy’s. she like peeled off from her side street in to the main street in the most aggressive left turn ever at like 80. by the time we reached ellesmere we were going at 100 on a 60 street. i have never seen calvin so nervous going fast before. we were so nervous we had our eyes in all direction for the lookout of cops. and we’ve never been so happy to see traffic and red lights just to slow grace down. eventually, calvin just pulled in front of grace to slow her down. when we got to tommy’s, calvin and i were like spies parked in front of someone else, eyeing their front door intently. it was too jokes. dim sum was lots of fun, lots of laughs, finally got to meet tommy and make fun of grace as well. overall, my impression of tommy is that he seems like a nice guy, pretty easygoing, and if grace is happy with him, i think we can be too.
wednesday night, calvin, alex and i went out to timmy’s to get coffee, food and to talk to about our dim sum experience with grace and tommy. it was so funny. calvin was able to categorize grace’s expression into 2, which is the happy one and the upset one. with 3 reaction under each category, calvin’s imitations was absolutely hilarious. hopefully, calvin will scheme again to do stuff with grace and tommy. fun times.
good recap about the past week. I get to see you tomorrow -- can't wait!
Much love
-- L
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