La Girl

me = girl. me = fogetful. me = need a random ass blog to make sure i remember my own name. you = reading a crazy little blog thinking to yourself, wtf?

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Follow Up

Um...Some people were asking me what I did for Lee's B-day, so here it is.
Well, I got up and wrapped his present. And I talked on the phone with him, until I finally got ready headed out to his place. I swear walking in his neighbourhood on a Saturday is not fun, especially since I am a Christian (I wore a cross too) and being Chinese is definitely not cool. Those people with their suction cups, hats, beard, and their wife with way too may kids, (sidewalk hoggers) are all like giving me looks. And it is not like I walked over their kids or something, so damn racist or "religionist". I finally make it alive to his house, I think Lee was worry about it too. So I gave him his present, and we chilled for the rest of the afternoon. Nearing dinner time, we went to this lobster place for dinner with his family and grandma. Is it just me or is people still giving me looks?? People, don't be a Christian Hater, I'll sue you all. *Evil Laughter* Anyways, Lee was paranoided throught dinner because he kept saying how the guy across the room was checking me out. *Cough* Right... Anyways, food was delicious, gotta go back. I was so stuffed by the end of it, I guess I wasn't the only one stuffed. (The lobster was stuffed too.) Afterwards, we had cake with all 18 candles, CRAZY, soon enough we will all be eating wax instead of cake. Lee's grandma also made some brownies. I personally am not a big fan of brownies so I sorta lied about how good it was, I am not saying it bad, it is great but I am just not a brownie person. Okie, I am digging myself in a hole. Haha, yes, dinner was a great accomplishment for me because I sat beside Lee's grandma, she is one of the most straight forward person I have ever met, if she doesn't like you, she'll tell you straight in the face, and I manage to stay on her good side. I am so glad I know like a teeny bit about everything, because with my making up stuff on the spot skill I was able to carry out a good conversation with her, and she likes me. Sweet. I guess my effort of trying to fit into the family finally paid off. Keke. Gotta give myself a pat on the shoulder. =)

My Gorgeous Sexy Boyfriend:
Haha. The other day after Lee drove me home, as usual we lounged on the sofa and just chat. He sat on one end of the couch facing me and I sat on the other end facing him, and we were just chatting while he gave me a foot massage. All of a sudden, while I was just looking at him, he put his hands behind his hand and did this whole model pose thingy. My heart just skipped at beat. I was like O MY GOSH, I so need a camera cuz you look so damn sexy. I swear under the right lighting, and angle Lee looks just like a model if not better. His eyes just got the right shade of grayish blue making him look totally soulful, as if he was deep in thought and just happened to look so good. Or he has this boyish look, which is totally cute yet sexy at the same time, and you wonder is he thinking about something naughty or just something funny. Or if you look at him right when he wakes up, he looks so lost. And then all of sudden when he is about to stretch or yawn, he looks like a super adorable kitten. So cute. LoL My goal is to so get a camera and just take so many photos.
MACs (the convenient store):
Lately, I have noticed something weird. People around Lee's area likes to hang out at MACs. After spending a day with Lee, at night upon returning to my house, we often would like to drop my MACs to pick up a coke and some gummies to munch on for the drive back to my house. And we often find many teenagers hanging outside and inside the store. Never in my life had I seen a long line up at MACs at 11 p.m. yet one of these night there was a 3 minute line up, and that was the longest amount of time I had ever spent in a MACs. Has MACs become the place to hang out? Is it the place to be for teens of today?? I guess I will never know. But eww who has no life to hang out at MACs, jewish teens are weird, or they seriously need a life or something. Conclusion: Fruity people likes to hang out at MACs.
Song Reflection:
Drama Queen (That Girl)
There was a girl I knew who always wanted to be the one to stand out from the crowd
Always believed that she was gonna live her dreams
That what when down was gonna come around
For all the doubters, non-believers, the cynicals that once were dreamers
One of these days you'll open up your eyes
And you'll realize
That girl was a one time teenage drama queen
A hot, tough everyday wannabee
But she'll have changed her destiny
Now she's a somebody
That girl was a wild child dreamer but she found herself'
Cause she believes in nothin' else
And you'll look back and you won't believe
That girl was me
Armed with an attitude that she knows how to use
She's gonna get there any way she can
Now she knows what she wants
No one is gonna stop her
Nothing's ever gonna hold her down
For all the doubters, non-believers the cynicle that once were dreamers
One of these days you'll know that you were wrong (who would know)
That girl was a one time teenage drama queen
A hot, tough everyday wannabee
But she'll have changed her destiny
Now she's a somebody
That girl was a wild child dreamer but she found herself'
Cause she believes in nothin' else
And you'll look back and you won't believe
That girl was me

Life is a work of art- you gotta paint it colorful
Can make it anything you want
Don't have to stick to any rules
You don't need a high IQ to succeed in what you do
You just gotta have no doubt just believe in yourself
Doubters, non-believers, once were dreamers
One of these days you'll open up your eyes
And you'll realize
That girl was a one time teenage drama queen
A hot, tough everyday wannabee
But she'll have changed her destiny
Now she's a somebody
That girl was a wild child dreamer but she found herself'
Cause she believes in nothin' else
And you'll look back and you won't believe
That girl was me


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