La Girl

me = girl. me = fogetful. me = need a random ass blog to make sure i remember my own name. you = reading a crazy little blog thinking to yourself, wtf?

Friday, July 16, 2004

Woah... has just been a few days since I updated, yet I have just discovered my posting page is all upgraded and all these buttons and everything, it is absolutely amazing. LoL More buttons for me to fool around with. Keke.
Truth Vs. Lies:
The truth, can it be lies too?
The truth, to a point it maybe not be the truth anymore, so does it qualify as a lie then?
Doesn't a lie eventually become true?
A matrix theory: What is may not be it.
Truth, it is really facts? Or are the truths just our own opinions?
For example, if you are telling the truth yet the other person doesn't believe you, at that instant does it become a lie?
Fights after fights, it felt as if our relationship was built on sand without a fortify foundation. So many things were said, which pierced both our hearts over and over again. The pain and the tears, never in my life did I feel so vulnerable. I guess this is what love is about, to put everything you ever had on the line, and just hope for the best. Love, so many variables, the outcome is always a mystery. One good thing that came out of the fight was that we missed the rain. The fight wasn’t a good fight because we didn’t exactly solve the problem; due to the physical damage it was doing to the both of us. Lately, I found out that I am really not worth anything. My self-esteem and my confidence just drop from being able to be me to being a cheap crappy whore. So sad… It was a definite rude awakening.
After the fighting and sleepless nights, we finally reached the root of all problems. It wasn’t something that we can change with a click of the finger. So much more hurtful things were said, I felt like I was one of the contestants in like “The Bachelor” or “For Love or For Money”, everything was at stake. Since we are both relatively reasonable, we came up with a compromise. It feels so good now that we are still together, our love stronger than ever. And then there is the dune buggy rampaging through the aisle running people over.

Lately I have been doing some accounting stuff for my mom. And I thought I could get away from math in the summer I guess I was wrong. I haven’t been eating much lately; according to Lee if the wind got any stronger I would be blown away. I seriously don’t think I am that thin, although if I had taken NLS right now I wouldn’t pass it just because I seriously don’t have the chub/fat to rescue anyone else let alone rescue myself. After getting into a bit of a fight with Tim’s mom (Why am I in a fight with all these people? That isn’t a good sign.) I decided to skip dinner, yet later Lee came over. (That was before our fight, because fight was Thursday and Friday night. Wednesday was sort of like the calm before the storm.) And we went to Destiny for food and bubble tea.
Today I was supposed to do stuff with Vanessa, yet when I called her house at like three in the afternoon, Sam (Vanessa’s younger sister) was like Vanessa is still sleeping. I was like wow that is crazy. So in the end we just talked on the phone for a bit which was still cool.
My BUM day, I didn’t do anything except talked on the phone with Lee and talked on the phone with Vanessa. And then I fought with Lee and didn’t sleep till like 5 in the morning, and was woken up at like 9 a.m. seriously, lack of sleep is killing me.

I had some stuff to take care of near noon, and due to weather and money issues; I ended up not going to the zoo. I hope all you guys who went had tons of fun. After Lee finished doing his work, and I did my stuff, I met him at Finch. It was the first time seeing him after our fight. Things returned to normal, we joked around and fooled around, good times. On the bus, I saw Andrew Le from our school, the skater punk guy. I thought his name was like Jason, I swear teaching little kids every summer is making me very bad with names. Anyways, the only reason we talked was because he was having a nosebleed and I lend or gave him a tissue. Lee and I both wondered why he was on the Steeles West bus all the way across the city by himself. O well, none of my bees wax. Anyways, since we were both hungry we grabbed some sushi for lunch, and yes Sapporo has spoiled us. Damn, can never go back to the way it was before. After stuffing our tummies, we rolled ourselves to Lee’s house where we quickly slumped on to his bed and cuddled. Being so close to him after fighting is so weird, but so romantic and sweet at the same time. It was so intimate and loving. Eventually we fell asleep in each other’s arms. We were woken up by Downtown by Petula Clark. Apparently, Lee’s explained to me that his mom was suspicious we were doing something funny in the bedroom, and it was her way of trying to flush us out of the room with loud music. Yet she did not realize we were trying to catch up on sleep, and Lee being a light sleeper woke me up too. I am such a deep sleeper the only thing that could possibly wake me up are gunshots, screams, and thunder and lightning. But Lee was moving around (a lot), his bed isn’t one of those beds on TV with Richard Simmons, so the person sleeping beside Lee a.k.a. me was quite disturb so in the end we just listened to Lisa and his mom’s bad singing and just laugh. We spend the rest of the evening cuddling and watching a few hours of TLC and Jeopardy with Ken Jennings. In conclusion, I would say today is a very good day.

Relationship is like a rose, How long it lasts, no one knows; Love can erase an awful past, Love can be yours, you'll see at last; To feel that love, it makes you sigh, To have it leave, you'd rather die; You hope you've found that special rose, 'Cause you love and care for the one you chose.


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