Puzzle with Many Pieces
I was reading something today that was given to me at church, which inspired my title for this blog. Life is a puzzle; we are all trying to finish our puzzle. We search for different things in life such as religion, love, goals, and others, just like how we try different puzzle pieces trying to see which one fits with the other. In the end, when all the puzzle pieces come together forming a complete picture, we will have created a masterpiece. You.
With only 4 hours of sleep, I ushered for the English Worship. Then we had a discussion/debate about homosexuality for Sunday school. Fun. LoL. After Sunday school, I helped Derek and John traced the HUGE map of Canada. The conversation during the tracing was funny. “Hey Derek, your head is in the way.” “Crap, the map is falling off the wall.” “AHHH… Your shoulder is blocking me.” Rofl. Crazy. Soon, my dad came to church, picked up Tim and me, and dropped off me home. Later that afternoon, Lee came over after going to Dim Sum with Lisa and Zenon, to go for dinner with me. I seriously would make such a bad farmer, stupid weeds. Not weed, WEEDS, the plants that are bad for your garden. It was so funny, Lee and me were walking to his car, and these 5 little girls were like they are so dating. And they were making commentaries as we got in the car and stuff. It was so weird. I think they just need a boyfriend. So we head back out west to Lee’s because we both feel like spaghetti, and because Lee bought GREEN TEA ICE CREAM, which I really want. We sat in the TV room to eat and watch TV. According to Lee, I made the cruelest (meanest) comment EVER. I really didn’t think so, but whatever. We spent the evening watching TV and ate ice cream. O yes, and I invented Mr. Penis-Head. LoL.
Monday: (Today/Yesterday)
Lee called me first thing in the morning and woke me up. He was at my house shortly after. We chilled on my bed for a bit, just playing around and tickling each other. We also looked at some South Park stuff, which was pretty funny. As usual we head back to his house, and grabbed lunch. When we got to his house where there was AC, we just laid on his bed with a fan on for a good 15 minutes just to cool our systems down. We ate lunch and watched The People’s Court. There are just too many funny stupid people suing the crap out of each other. At around 3.30ish, we headed to Lee’s grandma’s apartment because he had to fix Rosemary’s computer. (A lady who lives at the same apartment building, who always have computer problems.) And I went to swim with Lee’s grandma. I loved the water; it was great to be swimming again. Afterwards, Lee’s grandma made us dinner, which was quite delicious. After dinner, Lee and I headed out for some ice cream and a movie on Yonge. We got free ice cream because we got coupons, and then we went to Empress to see Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. We grabbed Wendy’s on the way back to my house. LoL. So now I am home. =)
Harold and Kumar go to White Castle:
It is a super hilarious movie. There were so many topless girls in that movie. It is absolutely insane. LoL. A must see for the summer. There were too many jokes, it definitely kept me laughing all the way through the movie. Also, for those that like perverted stuff, major dirty jokes. It was so wrong, so gross, and yet so comical.
An article I found:
You Must Remember This
A kiss is still a kiss unless you have all your friends and family standing by.
Then, depending on your smooching technique, the kiss merits a collective sigh, a photo opportunity or a story that will haunt you the rest of your married life.
Weddings are made for puckering up, and it starts with those memorable words, "You may now kiss the bride."
And yes, how you lock lips does make a difference, say the lip savvy.
"As a former wedding singer, I've witnessed dozens - if not hundreds - of wedding kisses," says Julia Sullivan, a writer and organizational consultant.
"The key principle is this: Your parents are watching you. Give the most loving kiss you feel comfortable with under their scrutiny," Sullivan says.
Too little contact will have your guests talking, as will too much. Avoid both the peck on the cheek and tongue wrestling, says Sue Fox, owner of Etiquette Survival.
"I recommend erring on the formal side and being classy," says Fox, who regularly consults with business companies about appropriate manners.
Although you know how to kiss - it's pretty difficult to get this far in a relationship without some lip skills - Fox recommends you discuss the all-important moment with your partner before the wedding.
"A lot will depend on the couples' personality," says Fox, author of "Etiquette for Dummies" ((Wiley Publishing, Inc., 1999).
"Open-mouthed, no tongue is probably the way to go. A kiss that lasts between 10 and 20 seconds 'looks right' to most observers," says Sullivan.
And for those who want to get a rise from the onlookers, Sullivan offers this cautionary observation:
"In my experience most of the people who did the big, sexy smooch thing at the altar were divorced within five years."
The Pucker Effect
The wedding twosome aren't the only ones kissing at the ceremony. During this joyous time you may find lips coming at you from all directions. Etiquette guru Sue Fox offers some tips on who and how to kiss.
The social kiss: "In the art of the social kiss the person who is the recipient is in control. You can slightly turn a cheek, or put a light hand on someone's shoulder if you don't want a kiss," she says.
No kiss: It isn't appropriate to kiss or hug someone you haven't met before. But if you've bonded during the wedding you may exchange hugs goodbye at the end of the event.
Air kisses: They're best left to celebrities. They look phony, says Fox.
That's it for now. Lots of Love.
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