La Girl

me = girl. me = fogetful. me = need a random ass blog to make sure i remember my own name. you = reading a crazy little blog thinking to yourself, wtf?

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


The quest for the meaning of life:
Some of us thinks that our lives are similar to that of Sisyphus. Poor Sisyphus reaped the displeasure of the gods when he disclosed to mere mortals secrets that were known only within celestial ranks. His sentence consisted in having to roll a massive stone top the top of a hill, watch it roll down again, and repeat the exercise endlessly. His was a life consigned to futility.
Is our lives really that meaningless? Or are we just looking in all the wrong places for the answer?
Today was an eventful day. Without knowing exactly what had happened, I was swept into a whirlwind of emotions. For a bit, I had no one to turn to, for the only one I thought I could turn to had already slammed the door in my face. Unexpectedly, I found out that God had already planted mini help buttons all around me, for hard times like this. I guess, God knows me better than I do. As I read the Bible, and did my devotions, my burdens seems to have vanished. Although, sadness still fills my heart, I can only hope for the best, and I know whatever the outcome will be, it is all in God's plan. 
The sun came out, is it a sign of comfort and reassurance? 

"How strange that we call the sexual act "making love" when in actuality, if that act is without commitment, it is a literal and figurative denuding of love in which the individual is degraded to an object. Love is not love when it has been manufactured for the moment. Love is the posture of the soul, and its entailment are binding. When love is shallow, the heart is empty, but when the sacrifice of love is understood, one can drink deeply from its cup and be completely fulfilled. The more we consume love selfishly, the more wretched and impoverished we become."


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