La Girl

me = girl. me = fogetful. me = need a random ass blog to make sure i remember my own name. you = reading a crazy little blog thinking to yourself, wtf?

Sunday, January 23, 2005


yes as you all have noticed, i no longer type with caps. no, i am not a wannabe like that poet person, who like always writes with outcaps. i am just a very lazy person whose pinky would not like to work overtime trying to fit in a freaking cap every sentence. so live with it. =P

my most sincere apologies about the link to how to use a japanese toilet is obviously missing, because the stupid link when to go poopy. so here is something a little more fun for those that are more adventurous.

orgasmic calculator

penis size calculator

last but certainly not least facts on farts

um... exams exams well on thursday - the day of rest, where as usual i still have to go to work, to spend time bitching and yelling at spoil brats. an example of one of my conversations would be:
kid: i am scared
me: can you just do it for me? or do you really not want to do it?
kid: i don't want to do it
me: do you want to fail?
kid: no
me: so are you going to do it?
kid: no
conclusion, yes kid you are going to fail. o gosh, that conversation just sounded a little too perverted. no perversion intended. besides, the kid was a girl and you all know that i m so not a lesbian. ewww...
okie friday, um... french exam... meh. then praticed music with vanessa, church... yady yady yada...
today - saturday, snowed snowed snowed. hey it is alliteration, wow i am such an english nerd. spend saturday as usual with lee for a bit, catched up on sleep, spended time with family because tim's b-day is coming up. yup. wow its almost one, shoot, gotta sleep got church tomorrow and more music, and studying. queer.


At 4:50 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with typing with no capitals. I think a lot of people do that anyway. XD I'm just the weird exception. O_O

LOL! Something more adventurous than Japanese toilets is...links to other sites related to sex? XDDD ahaha!

LOL! Awww...little kids are so cute! eheh! But you're really straightforward! If I was that kid, I would feel stupid. ahaha. I mean, you just nailed the possibilities and there's no way/no excuse anymore. =Þ

Good luck on exams! =D Only one more week! =D The easy stuff should be this week...unless you took sciences. =Þ


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