finally an update
many of you are probably wondering, what happened to tifffany?
or how come i don't see her online anymore?
or why didn't she comment on my blog?
or i can't find her anywhere?
and most importantly why isn't she updating her blog??
i am not that important... yet...
but maybe one time or another during your busy summer you have thought about me.
well lets travel back in time to the end of june and the beginning of july.
after the insanity that was named prom, we took off our fancy shoes and clothes, and pretty much resume day to day normal-ness. and soon, it was time to head back to a place we have almost forgotten, "school", to pick up our report cards and prom pictures. to say the least, it was a horrible waste of time because due to political retardedness we did not receive our report cards, which was the only purpose that lazy people like me would actually get up to go to school. in addition, we did not get our prom pictures either. so now my morning have completely gone down the shit hole.
well... not quite, because i got to chill with my friends, and to wish them all an amazing summer. we sat around in the cafe and continued to complete the tedious task of signing yearbooks, soon brian came up with this (insert sarcasm)brilliant idea of going back and visit kelsey our junior highschool just for the hell of it. well since i've already shit my morning away i thought hey what the hell, besides i can get him to help me pick up lee's present.
eventually, we (stephen, brian and i) dragged our asses out of the cafe to where-ever that we need to go. brian and i drove charmaine downtown to her work, and then went back up to woodside to grab some lunch. we called stephen after lunch so that we could meet up with him at kelsey since he wanted to come along too. when we got to kelsey, all the kids were like amazed that we arrived in cars, and we got a visitors pass, which made us seemed less like a bunch of intruders. after saying hellos to a couple of teachers, we left kelsey because there really wasn't much to do. then brian and i bid stephen farewell, and off we went to shop for lee's present.
lets skip the boring driving parts, and in the end we didn't get anything because i am a computer retard. :P
on thursday, my family and i went over to the new house along with lee to prep the house for the arrival of my grandma and my auntie florence. we peeled wallpaper, and vaccumed, it was a lot of hard work. and i had another fight with lee because of stupid stupid reasons. so bad, but we made up in the card. i got to sleep over at lee because on friday we were going up north for the long weekend. upon arriving at lee's house i was still a bit upset with him, so we went to the park to play, which cheered me up like always. i love playing on the swings at night. sleeping with lee was amazing. and what's even better is waking up beside him.
next update: my weekend up north.
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends,
Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares
about you and how lucky he is to have you.
Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her."
lol. Well Sandy will comment to. Ur busy eating lunch right now, and I gotta go back to work to make money so we can get cellphones, but I just wanted to let you know that I love you with all of my heart, and that I'm missin you like crazy, and that the past bits been really crazy hectic with everything, but at least its crazy hectic with you. anyways, lots of love, know that i'm missing you like crazy, and when ur done lunch, i'll get to talk to you :). Lots of love sweety!
Your husband, loving and missing his wife so very, very much,
HOW DID LEE READ MY MIND?! O_O ahaha. Yep, I do comment. =) Just always forget to leave my name. =P
I had something to say about the entry, but after reading Lee's reply, I got mushed up because of the sweet sweet things he said to you! Awwww. =) Seriously, because of that distraction, I forgot what I wanted to say. *ponders*
Oh yes...I really like the last part about finding a guy! ehehe! It's so true...
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