Events from the Past
As you all know, my hard drive kind of died therefore everything was started all over. My lack of Sims was driving me insane. I did not want to waste 3 hours to install everything back, so I started to play Leisure Suit Larry. For those of you that does not know the game, here is a little breakdown: You play Larry, a 40 year old man, who is short, dumpy, balding, and looking for love. A great game to play if you have a few hours to kill. There is LSL 1 through 7 except for 4, and now the 8th is coming out soon. I so have to buy it when it comes out.
Eternal Darkness:
Its not a bad game, just that its so scary. I swear I would never touch that game again, it scared the crap out of me for a second. Even though it is frightening, it is an amazing game with great graphics and a awesome storyline. Another great game to spend time with friends if you have a Game Cube.
A psycho thriller-ish/cop and drug movie. It is a good movie to see if you are into the whole Borne Supremacy style film. Its a decent movie with a twisty storyline, it is sure to keep you guessing till the last minute.
Mr. Fishy & Mrs. Fishy:
My friend a.k.a. Mr. Fishy, has a very interesting girlfriend, a.k.a. Mrs. Fishy. Everytime I talk to Mr. Fishy it is about cool, fun, normal topics such as anime and cartoons. On the other hand, everytime I talk to Mrs. Fishy, she is always talking about how she is getting it on with Mr. Fishy. On her msn name, she is always refering to sexual topics, like how a guy should do it to a girl. In her msn profile, all she put on that page is about how much she like sex. Woah... information overload, like do I give a shit about her fucking sex life, does she have to announce it to the whole fucking world that she loves sex, and do I really need to her tell me how I should treat and be with my boyfriend. Fucking Hell No! Okie... just a little venting, despite it all she is a decent person.
Stealing of blankets:
The other day, after eating 3 Krispy Kreme Donuts and a chicken sub thingy at Lee's, I was stuffed as stuffed can be and very sleepy. So Lee and I hopped into his bed to take an afternoon nap, just so that we can get fat. We slept for a good 3 hours before I started to roll and stole all the blankets, which left Lee naked on the bed, cold and frustrated because he couldn't steal the blankets back from me. I am the best blanket stealer in all the land. LoL.
I guess thats all for now.
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