La Girl

me = girl. me = fogetful. me = need a random ass blog to make sure i remember my own name. you = reading a crazy little blog thinking to yourself, wtf?

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


Unfortunately, school has started once again. As usual the guidance department is being difficult with our course selections, and screwing up people’s timetable. And so many parents have come to our school to bitch at them, and it is such a joy to see the guidance teachers get yelled at. Either or, I still have to wait another week or two to get my courses change. I swear the guidance department is BULLSHIT.

Enough of my venting, meanwhile my Boo Boo is downtown getting his ass dyed purple. (I found out that in French, purple is violet. Crazy) Well, he seems to be having tons of fun getting naked, and flashing his purple bum bum on the street for old ladies. I swear, pictures of his purple bum is either going into an old ladies “special collection” or it is going to pop up in the internet. LoL I guess all of it doesn’t matter as long as he is enjoying himself. I love my Boo Boo.

The first official day of classes, it was so boring because all of the teachers are going through the introduction routine. And all of the math teachers are giving homework already, good thing I have math tomorrow first period instead of today. Law class was gruesome, we saw this super gross movie for like no reason. It was so disgusting. So as I walked out of class I said to the teacher, “Thanks of the movie.” (Super sarcastically) I swear if I get a nightmare tonight I am so complaining. Last period I had spare, so I wandered around the school, talked to friends, talked to the principle, talked to friends again, then I finally went home. I guess it is so far so good for the first day of school. The doom begins tomorrow morning with calculus. :p


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