over the last month or so, many interesting fact about my life was revealed to me. such as, tiffany goes crazy if left alone. i also realized that my blogging activity significantly decrease if my life only revolved around mostly work and home. or if my happiness rating decrease. with all of these various factor, it creates for a consequence where i do not blog for an insane long periods of time. having such an rambling explanation of why i have not blogged said. its finally time to remind everyone is my birthday, ha! i rule today, give or take what you want to mean from that sentence.
o blah.
The Earth takes 365 days and six hours to lap the Sun.
A year is what we call those 365 days and six hours.
I just celebrated my 19th lap around the Sun.
19 rides and I'm not bored yet!!
19 rides and I want more!!
Let's go 20!!
later days.