La Girl

me = girl. me = fogetful. me = need a random ass blog to make sure i remember my own name. you = reading a crazy little blog thinking to yourself, wtf?

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Overheard on the Camp-Out Line for “Revenge of the Sith”

“Read ‘em and weep! Straight flush. Lose the Tusken Raider bandolier.”

“This is the exact same ‘Star Wars’ sleeping bag I got as a birthday present back in 1977. Same for the C3PO Underoos.”

“Y’know, if this is what it’s like being homeless, I think I could handle it. In fact, I’m gonna give up my lease, quit the rat race and just…Fuck! I lost my Wi-Fi connection!”

“$50 in the end Anakin doesn’t become Darth Vader.”

“At first my parents weren’t going to let me camp out. But then I said, ‘Look, I’m 35-years-old, I have a spare retainer, why won’t you let me live?!?”

“Maybe this is a tad obsessive. But at least being on line keeps me from stalking Erin Gray.”

“Dear Diary—Ate my last Power Bar yesterday. Ran out of Wet Ones last week. No one to turn to for help. Why in God’s name did I camp out at a theater in South Dakota?!”

“I can’t believe I’m wearing the wrong corrective shoes.”

“I bet since I quit my career my boss hasn’t had a single good day at the Cinnabon stand.”

“I do, too, have a girlfriend! Her name is ‘Chatty Cathy1249’!”

“Actually, I despised the last two films. But I saw ‘Star Wars’ when I was ten so I really don’t have a choice in the matter.”

“I don’t care what your charisma is! The elf guards of Helendrail Castle are not easily swayed by flattery.”

“Everything was going great until she asked, ‘How come they never show Babylon 1 through 4 on television?’ That’s when I just walked away from her, the altar and the whole ceremony.”

“Maybe we better lay off the mescaline. I’m beginning to think this movie has a chance of being good.”

“I just got a text message from a buddy six blocks up. Apparently this is the line to buy a Prius.”


still sick... *cough cough*
study like a madman for stupid calculus exam.
too much excitement over long weekend.
shake my fist at stupid person mowing the grass.
dumb laughing kid. so should have thrown rocks at him.
crazy fireworks. i so should have slept more.
too much drugs makes tiff's tastebuds all warped.

Friday, May 20, 2005

choosing a girlfriend

Say you don't have a girlfriend. Or say you have one you just now realize isn't working out. With all the women in the world to choose from, finding only one of them to be your girlfriend seems like a daunting task. Noooo problem, my friend. Lucky for you, all women fall neatly into one of these ten varieties.

"The High-school Girlfriend"

She's peppy, she's wholesome and she's 18. Unfortunately, she's easily damaged and doesn't really seem to know how to do anything, unless you're into third-chair concert band flute playing. Plus, she might use slang you don't understand and she'll cry if you're late picking her up from cheerleading practice. She also has a tendency to mystify by, say, hosting a pajama party rather than making out with you under the bleachers. This one's strictly for beginners only, because only a beginner has a chance of learning something from a relationship with High-School Girlfriend.

"The Fixer-Upper"

Super cute, and also super neurotic. May come with an eating disorder, 'daddy issues,' or an infuriating emotional cyclone combining both. By turns delightfully funny and inexplicably mopey, don't be surprised if you come home to find her huddled beneath blankets on the sofa, counting the pinholes in the ceiling tiles. She may secretly 'test' you, and 'reward' you if you 'pass' by not blowing up at you in public. She's not recommended for rebounders, or anyone with an abundance of expired medication in the bathroom cabinet.

"The Wild Child"

No doubt about it, she's a ton of fun , especially at the outset. She'll suggest you do things you've never even heard of that sound crazy, but turn out to be incredible. You're likely to spend your free time ridiculing strangers on the street or just fucking with people for no reason, then staying up all night having crazy good sex. Once that week is up, though, she's going to get kind of weird. Her end of conversations will consist of little more than disinterested chain smoking, looking around and the occasional "mm-hmm" or "whatever, that sucks." When she starts pushing for an open relationship, that actually means she's been seeing another guy for a month. Soon she'll be telling you that you weren't ever her real boyfriend anyway, so what the hell is your fucking problem. Yikes. Sorry, got carried away with this one. Don't ask.

"The Hippie Chick"

Really down to earth. Literally! Seriously, though, she's a proponent of the natural look, which means she's a fashion victim, but at least she doesn't mind the fact that you're a hairy slob. Plenty of weed for everybody, and she'll support whatever idiot post-art school career idea you have, even if it's just a hopeless excuse not to get a paying job. When one of you gets the sniffles, she will use a lot of herbal or holistic cures, which are a) less effective than, b) smellier than and c) just as expensive as, you know, medicine. Also, you're going to be going to a lot of rallies which consist of you, her, and a couple of dreadlocked chicks in overalls holding a hand-painted banner on a street corner 1000 feet from a government building.

"The Nerd"

The good news: she will indulge you in all the adolescent past-times most of your other friends gave up in high school. We're talking superhero comic books, miniature figurine painting, any computer game where you spend all your time trying to 'up your stats' and the dudes all go 'what hast thou' and shit. Fantasy roleplaying games, the works. You can get away with anything that would cause your male friends to shun you forever. The bad news: she's homely. Two words: unicorn fixation. She might have genetically reinforced grooming problems. She has no ability to modulate the volume of her speaking voice (she's either ninja quiet or elephant loud). And she will spend even more time on the internet than you, nerd.

"The Princess"

Very pretty. Very smart. Very ruthless. Soon after you start dating - and, my friend, you are going to be dating, as in picking her up, buying her dinner, going to the theater, taking the long stroll to her doorway and jerking off at home - she'll inform you that she had your background 'looked into' and that you either do or do not 'check out.' Relationship advancement may be tied to career advancement as well. Within six months you are going to find yourself outside a jewelry store with a small parcel in hand, sweating and muttering to yourself. Fighting her is pointless. Your children are going to be very well-behaved.

"Sham Girlfriend"

Simply put, you aren't right for each other. You'd like to find one thing interesting about her, but damned if you know where to look, and vice-versa. She is fine-looking, but the sex is as passionless and stultifying as your conversation. You were most likely set up by "Mutual Platonic Female Friend," often herself mistaken for Sham Girlfriend. Works well as a transitional girlfriend, or to break a long dry spell. You are guaranteed to look fabulous together at up to four social gatherings, which you will spend slowly dying inside.

"Sporty Girlfriend"

Yes sir, she likes herself some out-of-doors. Hiking, rock climbing, biking, kayaking, skiing, water skiing, fucking in a nylon tent. Obsessive, repetitive exercise may result in an alarmingly muscular physique, and 'tan' will become a generously understated description of her skin tone come August. She'll drink you under the table so many times you'll wonder where the hell she's putting it. After she blows her knee out and tones down her workout regimen while continuing her beer-drinking regimen, you will be able to see exactly where she's putting it.

"The Intellectual"

Hope you like post-modern theoretical literary discussion. Get used to hearing things like "Frankly, I don't see how that blowhard Gottlieb gets away with all his facile anti-deconstructionalist theoretical tomfoolery. The 'mother-figure-as-progeny-substitute' argument has been roundly refuted." Also, she's going to pick one 3-dollar word, such as 'quiddity,' as her go-to. You will soon argue the 'quiddity' of such things as table wine, 400 thread count bed sheets, and lemon fresh Pledge, without ever figuring out what the hell quiddity even means. And she pronounces it 'quid-uh-TEA.' Good thing she's super hot in glasses and a pony tail.

"Perfect Girlfriend"

No, you don't want this one, trust me. Yes, her sense of humor is terrific. Yes, she likes the same music you do, except for that one band you'll always have playful arguments about. I'm telling you, steer clear. Of course she's easy on the eyes, so much so that your friends will wonder what's got into you when you're at the sports bar and you suddenly start talking wistfully about the way her hair falls over her left eye just so. Right, it almost seems like she knows what you're thinking, and you finish each other's sentences, and on and on. Listen, how about a nice Princess instead? OK, I'll tell you: because she'll break your heart when she finally finds the man she deserves, dumbass.



-funny conver. at lunch
-boring classes

sick... will actully blog when i feel better.

Monday, May 09, 2005


The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.


just chilling.
almost finish with highschool
almost to the date of moving
too many changes all at once can be so overwhelming
i am already missing my friends
keep in touch
i love you guys

later days

Thursday, May 05, 2005

lee's geek profile


Your Geek Profile:

Movie Geekiness: Highest

Fashion Geekiness: High

Gamer Geekiness: High

Internet Geekiness: High

SciFi Geekiness: High

Academic Geekiness: Moderate

Geekiness in Love: Moderate

General Geekiness: Moderate

Music Geekiness: Moderate


dummy snail, trix are for kids. =P

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

will never look at a plank of wood the same way again.


Your Birthdate: July 27

Your birth on the 27th day of the month (9 energy) adds a tone of selflessness and humanitarianism to your life path.

Certainly, you are one who can work very well with people, but at the same time you need a good bit of time to be by yourself to rest and meditate.

There is a very humanistic and philanthropic approach in most of things that you do.

This birthday helps you be broadminded, tolerant, generous and very cooperative.

You are the type of person who uses persuasion rather than force to achieve your ends.

You tend to be very sensitive to others' needs and feelings, and you able to give much in the way of friendship without expecting a lot in return.



Your Geek Profile:

Fashion Geekiness: Low

Gamer Geekiness: Low

Geekiness in Love: Low

General Geekiness: Low

Academic Geekiness: None

Internet Geekiness: None

Movie Geekiness: None

Music Geekiness: None

SciFi Geekiness: None


Sunday, May 01, 2005

who would have guess...

School Shootings Blamed on Ashlee Simspon's Latest Album

The world's greatest pop singer came under fire from parent groups on Wednesday after the Los Angeles Police Department announced that 4 out of 5 culprits in a recent school shooting massacre were avid members of the Ashlee Simpson fan club.

According to the report, "each boy told us that he felt outcasted by the 'popular' kids who listened to Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails" and that, "listening to the grotesquely violent lyrics of fringe artists such as Ashlee Simpson gave them an outlet for their rage." One boy told police that he enjoyed skinning animals while listening to Ashlee Simpson's latest album, "Autobiography."

Buy Ashlee Simspon's Album "Autobiography" now for only $11.99 on

Upon the report's release, many parent groups spoke out to condemn Simpson's music. Parents United against Suicidal and Sociopath Youth is one such group that has long been protesting Simpson's lyrics. Pat Jones, president of PUSSY wrote on the website "...[Ashlee Simpson's] music incites listeners into violence. In 'Pieces of Me' Simpson commands listeners to use explosives to kill others. The song tells listeners it's their 'mission' to blow others into 'pieces'," citing lyrics from the song:

Make me happy it's your mission
And you won't stop til I'm there...
It seems like I can finally rest my [decapitated] head on something real
I like the way that feels...
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me

Fellow artists too have come to speak out against Simpson. "This type of music is really inappropriate for children. The first Amendment was never meant to protect this sort of speech. It's just obscene." said pop-rocker Marilyn Manson.

Since the report, Virgin Records, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and Tower Records have all pulled Simpson's latest album from their shelves.

In a related story, the fifth of the five school shooters allegedly told police that "Ashlee Simpson is a lip-sinking poser" and that "Hilary Duff is the real deal."


haha. i needed that. currently extremely stressed out over every freaking thing. i normally handle these situations a lot better, but this coming week is seriously hell. *shaking fist*

monday - work @ campbell
tuesday - calculus test + music test + band
wednesday - mcf
thursday - work @ pearson
friday - philosophy presentation + placement
saturday - movie + rest

okie that doesn't look like a uber heaving schedule, but think of all the prep work that goes in to it. gr... if i actually manage to survive this week, i can handle my wedding with ease... maybe... can't you see i am just randomly typing to waste time so i can procrasinate in doing my work... okie okie back to work i go...

later days.