La Girl

me = girl. me = fogetful. me = need a random ass blog to make sure i remember my own name. you = reading a crazy little blog thinking to yourself, wtf?

Friday, February 25, 2005


yesterday after work, i caught the last bit of the 8 p.m. show on 36. that makes it the second time of me watching it. (hint: the ending isn't that great, but meh.) anywho, as i was watching i thought of something and i scribbled it down last night, but i was too exhausted and in pain from work to type in up. arg... i still have this huge ass scratch mark down my right arm, looks so nasty. so just a thought to share. (lol, i even put effort into typing it with caps.)

Impressive constructions built for planes to take off and land safely, but also, to receive its passengers.

As passengers, the airport is the last thing we see when we depart and it's our destination's welcome face.

Whether you are traveling for pleasure, business or else, the airport is where many important events take place. It's the place for a warm good-bye, a cheerful welcome, a last minute "I love you" or "Please don't go".

Next time you're at the airport, whether you are going or coming back, waiting for someone or saying 'good bye' try to open your eyes and see the many stories that are being written at the very same moment yours is.

yup yup. i guess i wrote it because lately i seems so unsatisfy-able. but then i saw the relationship between the characters on t.v. i realized that i should try my best to be just happy with what i have, because it could all be taken away with a snap of a finger. ooo... i really don't understand myself sometimes, girl are such a strange group of people. i know what i want, but is it what i really need? so many questions, not enough answers. ahhh... going mental on myself. anywho, to end this blog on a more cheerful note.
a link to sandy's blog(s): lol because yesterday we went out for sushi -> very yummy
also, more wacky links
Sperm Wars

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

candy keyboard, i m so picking at the candy and eating it. lol


yes once again my laziness overcame me, i really did wanted to write entries about what is happening in my life and so on and so forth but i dunno after reading it you might think i was nuts or something. well lets recap of general events that happened: school, school, v-day, kiwanis, school, lee's reading week, jealousy fits, school, fights, school, work, subs, outside in the cold without a jacket, sleeping in the snow, school, and etc. so as you see, a lot has happened, and no my life is not boring.
yesterday, i got some huge ass package from utsc about my early acceptance to their humanities co-op. wow, who would have guessed a lazy ass like me would get some kinda early acceptance. thank God.
today, wasn't particularly a great day for many different reasons, i won't bored you with my rants about how i hate school and stuff, because if you know me, it is quite self-explanatory. anywho, i am trying to put it behind me, and try to have a better day tomorrow. (yes, this is my attempt at being optimistic.)
well the hot potato at hand, is the crazy law trial. i am a witness in this sim. trial, i play the role of two men (great, eh) dr. brooks, and investigator graham. both are very contraversial witnesses, that translates to me getting both my asses grilled during the trial next thursday. so if you see me that day a little more crispy and burnt than normal, now you know why. as of now, more research must be done in, for me to completely be that person. fun fun.
for now i leave you with something to check out if you are really bored,

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Love <3

Leo Kissing Horoscope

Your kisses are wild and uninhibited, biting and clawing; you expect applause for your performance.

Your Relationship Potential: It could be a fun fling, or it could be the love of your life. Sample your free reading for more details.

Definitely, the LOVE OF MY LIFE. *nods*

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Fuck You ->Appropriate response when one friend is wronged by another who stepped out of line. “I disapprove of your recent actions. They seem to be completely out of character for you. If I believed you were that kind of person, I would have never become your friend in the first place. If you wish to continue our friendship, I demand that you immediately discontinue your unwelcome behavior and respect my boundaries as you have in the past. Please snap out of it. If you persist, I will have to stand against you to limit the damage you do in the future. I tell you this because I believe you might respond to constructive criticism. Otherwise, I would not be speaking with you at all. I hope we can get back to the way things were. The choice is yours.”
When Guy X is caught flirting with his best friend Y's date, Y responds, "Hey, fuck you, buddy. That's not cool."

as sandy mentioned that i haven't been posting pics up well obviously i am a lazy bum so here you go sandy, pics for your enjoyment. -> The ultimate god of cats everywhere. His head is capped by a natural outgrowth known as the "Mystic Rind", which originally was a solid lime. During the epic battle with Clock Spider , several gashes were rent into the lime, creating a bang-like effect. Limecat responded by chewing off the Clock Spider's ninth leg and cast it into the sky, where it became the God of most religions.
Limecat is seldom pleased, and only his priests have ever seen him do anything more than frown and glare. He has an illegitimate kitten, Linecat, who is marked by his lack of hair apart from his head and paws.
Limecat is our lord and savior. All hail Limecat.


when you're addicted to tiffany
"i'm a tiffaholic and i'm proud"

gotta love

happy st. valentine's day <3

Friday, February 11, 2005

Must Read!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Blog Gimmickry

Listen, nobody really reads blogs. It’s just the same old tired popularity contest where the only thing that counts is who you got to link to you and how many. Think of it as spreading herpes, except online.

If you want your blog to be popular and you’re not going to call your it something sexy like “Diary of a High School Whore” or “Bound for Muscle” then you’re gonna have to come up with a gimmick, come up with a cool tag line, or some kind of angle.

Heard about the guy who works as a bouncer in a strip club? How blogging about your sexual exploits while taking a shower? Or maybe something really gimmicky like living in war-torn Iraq?

But if you want people to read your blog, then you’re gonna have to blog a LOT. And you can’t just talk about how you had coffee that day and how it was so hot so you scalded your tongue.

No, you’ve got to write about something people can relate to, you know, like shitting in your pants while you were on vacation in Mexico. You gotta give people a reason to tune in to you everyday so they can talk about you in their own blogs.

And if you are willing to talk about deep, conflicted feelings while providing nude photos of yourself, you’re miles ahead of the rest of us.

For some reason, nudity makes conflict seem to have more substance. Nudity adds a touch of gravity to normal day-to-day stuff like reading a book, vacuuming the living room or going to church.

As you may have noticed, I myself am of the opposite bent. I only post about once, sometimes twice a week. I can't possibly rant about something everyday, there would be no time left to fix my hair, which has got to take priority.

Since I am going to go blow dry my hair now, I'll leave you with something to do.(Blow dry not blowjob, read the whole sentence before making assumptions.)

Make your own South Park character

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

What is kite surfing??

You Should Try Kite Surfing

Surfing to the extreme!
Catch some air, but don't get carried off!

Monday, February 07, 2005

nuff said =P

Saturday, February 05, 2005


I’m not one of those people who can casually pick up a book and leave it anytime, not caring if they’ve finished reading it.

It takes a lot of effort for me to find a book to read: cruising it at the bookstore, eyeing it on the shelf, walking nonchalantly, giving it a small smile as I pass by.

When I finally summon enough courage to approach it, I go tentatively, studying the cover, perusing the blurb, flirting with the first page. Sometimes I can get very daring and read an entire chapter. Scandalous! The clerk eyes me disapprovingly behind the counter.

When the plot clicks, I get this rush, this giddy feeling. I have to rush to pay so I can go home and get into bed with it. I spread its pages apart and dive in. I am enthralled, passionately reading all night.

In the morning I wake up and it is lying tenderly on my chest. Not just one for a nightstand.

When a book is really good, I keep it forever. It occupies a very special space in my bookshelf, in my life.

But once in a while, I get a book that starts out good but starts to turn bad. I have made a bad judge of cover.

I find it hard to abandon a book. I usually stick with it to the bitter end. I am co-dependent that way: even though I derive no more pleasure with it, I cannot untangle myself. I am bound to it.

I try to negotiate with it. Another few pages I say, maybe it will get better.

But it doesn’t.

I can get really violent. I will slam the book close in disgust, or throw it physically across the room. But in the cold light of the morning, I am ashamed when I see its cover bruised, battered, lying there forlorn.

A friend may see the book and ask me what happened. An accident, I say, the door...

But even though I carefully consider each book I encounter, most often, I get this feeling, like it wasn’t meant to be. You know the kind: you have fun while it lasts but when The End comes, you part ways amicably.

Just another by-the-book affair.

I may bump into it in a resale store, or see it listed on eBay, or maybe hanging on to another reader’s hands.

I try to remember why it didn't work out. But my memory of that particular story arc only comes in bits and pieces. I realize it doesn't matter, I've already turned the page...
I wrote the above at 8:30 this morning, and wow CAPS, I guess my fingers work better when I am half asleep. Some lady call my house at like 8 something, and as usual no one answers the phone in my house except me. So I had to wake up and answer the stupid call that wasn't even for me, put on a sweater because my room is freezing, make my lazy ass climb out of bed, down the hallway to my mom's room and wake her up for the call. *Shaking my fist at that lady.* In addition to all that, since my mom removed the curtains in my room for cleaning, my room is so bright that I can't go back to sleep, which brings me to the present ranting about how sleepy I am. =@ Crap, now I am hungry, going to eat a banana and sleep with the television in the basement. Later days.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


You Are a Pundit Blogger!

Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.
Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few

paul mccartney - all 12 minutes of the half time show, i guess nudity is definitely out of the question... or not... *shivers* they are so losing viewers.

rogers seriously owns everything...

Skydome is no more

wow rogers owns everything. soon toronto will be rogers' town, and canada will be rogers' canada, amd then it will be rogers' canada. and we will have carlisle group united states, coca cola taiwan, and so on and so forth. joy!
a typical conversation when rogers own everything will be,
"I can't wait to see the Rogers Toronto Jays play at the Rogers Centre (Skydome)while I'm watching them on Rogers Digital Cable, talking to my friend on Rogers Wireless, using Rogers High Speed Internet, and fucking around with the box of a movie from Rogers Video."
but hey, we are still better than the states. =P
rogers' slogan: the world runs better with rogers